
Getting Into The Groove Again!

Getting your groove back MUST be a conscience decision. You must fight off all of the doubts and fears that are currently holding you back. If you never quit, keep pushing on to become the "new and improved" you; then you can only get better and improve your skills and self.
I hope to be an inspiration to others you can easily give up on yourselves like I have so many times in the past... 

Keep on pushing on! 
Go for it! 
Practice makes perfect! 

And yes, you have heard these one liners before and not originally from myself. However, I want to remind you of them and incorporate them into your own daily living routines!

I hope all of you reach for the stars and grasp the sun! Take care of yourself, physically and mentally daily; because if you don't... Who Will?

Don't get me wrong; I still get down now and again, and sometimes my misery lasts for days at a time. However, I just can't lay there and feel sorry for myself. What does that do for you, but make you feel more depressed. Other people feel like it's contagious, they don't wanna catch that shit; jk. But, seriously it is stressful dealing with the seriously depressed. People want to help, they just don't always know how. 
So to make a much longer story. Little bit shorter; in the title " Getting Your Groove Back" could simply consist of; getting up and out... Into a different atmosphere; and for cripe sakes, change your bedding. Just NOT Kidding, you will feel a lot better after you get cleaned up and do something different with yourself! For the sake of argument; you may just have a great time, getting un-depressed! ☺️👌🏻

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My personal journey in life includes being an advocate for suicide prevention and awareness surrounding the stigmas.