
Find the wonderful in today! We all have the same 24 hours in a day, it is what YOU Do With YOURS that matters!

Find the wonderful in today!
 We all have the same 24 hours in a day, it is what YOU Do With YOURS that matters!

I hope that you all find the wonderful today and every day after that. It is possible that we won't get another one (another day). 

Today we celebrate our precious memories of our Yesterdays

Holding enough faith in a positive tomorrow is also key to fulfilling your goals for a rewarding future.

One of the most important things to remember is: 

We all have the same 24 hours in a day;
It is what YOU Do With YOURS that counts!

*We could have a pity party for ourselves every day... Or we can choose to take charge of our lives. I know there are people with more serious disorders that these simple "mind over matter" tricks may not work. 

If you are suffering please don't do so silently. Some people have studied for years to help us through our dark times. I also know that I have had conversations with friends, that have helped me through some dark moments.
It can get extremely exhausting to be down and sad. And even anger can make your body sick. It is an emotion that can literally hurt us; if you have been worried or stressed out before, you know what I mean. You know the excessive toll it takes on our bodies. Which puts us at risk for more health problems.
as if that weren't enough, I had to be blessed/cursed with being a sensitive empath.

Every choice we make in our daily lives will also affect the rest of our lives!  

If you have bad days where it feels nearly impossible to not cry (be anxious, be moody, or just be angry), then you know how hard it can be to shake that bad mood/emotion and put on a "Don't Worry, Be Giddy"; face. 
Believe me, I also have had my share of pity parties, and that is ok! Picking myself back up; was of the utmost importance though! If I didn't pull myself out of it, who would? 
Remember what used to bring joy to your life. Bring that back around. Read a book about something you are interested in knowing. Change up your "stuck" routine. Just know, that like the weather that is constantly changing; so are our emotions.

(*)I know that what works for me, may not work for everyone. If you try something new and it works for you; then how awesome is that? Just keep chipping away at a small goal. Once you find something that brings you joy, keep doing it. Smile and say "I can do this". The power of positive thinking is scientifically proven to be true!

No matter what you have been through in your lifetime, I believe it has been for a reason. Just keep going, and going... 
Like the energizer bunny!🐇

We should look to the future, learn from the past, and live with the best intentions for the future.

Peace and Love
Let us find the wonderful in today, shall we?

When you are feeling alone and dwelling on the past, remember a few things:
 We shouldn't dwell on the fact we are alone. If we could do less dwelling and more dreaming it would make a world of a difference. Yes, I said more dreaming, what I mean by that is to take the time to daydream about what makes you happy. Be there in what makes you happy, be present (the here and now), you ABSOLUTELY CANNOT CHANGE THE PAST! 

However, it has been proven that you can create your own joy! Find what makes you happy, by weeding out what makes you unhappy! 
So, why not make it the best day you possibly can; without getting into trouble! 😉 

Read that again; Learn from everything that happens in your life. I have learned some of my best lessons from the darkest times in my life.

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Come with me on my artistry journey.

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Check out my artwork and ask me about a one one-on-one lesson or a paint party! I will also be hosting a few kid's crafts parties! Schedule your paint party now. I have minimal spaces for this summer, and they are filling up fast!

Get a $10 discount on your party! E-mail me @ darlenejarrard@gmail.com to schedule today!


It’s NOT your fault. You cannot control others; and that’s ok.

Whatever you do in life, live it free of guilt. It’s not your fault; what others do and don’t do usually doesn’t really involve you. Meaning that when others do things, they probably are so overwhelmed with stress that they (we) are mainly focused on our own emotions.
Once I stopped overthinking what others think of me, it was such a heavy weight lifted! It takes practice and patience, but anything you want to change- you can!

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My personal journey in life includes being an advocate for suicide prevention and awareness surrounding the stigmas.