
Allow Yourself Forgiveness!

You MUST,  If you expect others to forgive you. 

Life has been a roller coaster ride for me. I have had some ups and downs; in other words "What hasn't killed me; has ingeniously made me stronger"! 

So, for the things that nearly kill us; but don't, is what we have to forgive.

Life can be cruel! It is generally the PEOPLE!Some People can be viciously cruel!
The People, we cannot manage as easily; but we do not have to allow them to drain our energy either. We have the freedom of choice.
On the other end of the spectrum; we should allow life to BE...
  A GRAND AMUSEMENT! With roller-coasters, boo boo's and fun or slow, steady and boring. So, instead of focusing on the negatives; go for the laughs and good times.

You have to let Go; let God and LIVE!

Forgive yourself now, you might as well enjoy the perks in life; God will forgive you (even if you don't) but it is in your favor.
Life is what you make it; I'm sure you have heard this before; but have you ever just thought about that statement?
Make it something to be proud of. Know that everyone makes mistakes, and sometimes we learn from those said mistakes. I like to think of every day as a learning experience. A memory reference, a life token, as well as, a lesson learned!
 You MUST have faith that God has something very special waiting for you, in order to make up for the times of turmoil that you might have endured.

We have enough to worry about; we don't need to constantly worry about things that we have absolutely NO control over! 
One of those things are past mistakes... we can't take them back, we can only learn from them, and try to never make that same mistake again. It takes courage as the prayer goes:

God Please Grant Me... 
The SERENITY To Accept
The Things I Cannot Change;
The COURAGE To Change, The Things I Can;
And The WISDOM To Know The Difference


Please seek help if you are feeling more than just a little down!

In Crisis? 1-800-273-TALK

Or call a friend, family member, or the crisis hotline above. In some areas of Michigan, you can even call 211 for resources locally.
If you are more than just a little down, maybe you are going through some stressful situation and things are tougher than usual; then please talk it out with someone you trust.  
You don't get a redo when you make hasty decisions. These decisions, do not only affect you but everyone that cares about you. It is not worth it,  things turn around and seem to work themselves out. 
Well, I also believe in prayer; the power of prayer can literally work miracles!
I have loved and lost twice over; my mother and my eldest son. I cannot even begin to describe this type of pain. It is impossible to not feel guilty on some level. 
I don't want anyone else to ever have to deal with this type of loss. When your mental health becomes unstable and you know that you at risk for hurting yourself or someone else then I beg of you to get help from family and friends or even seek professional help! You are way too important to let yourself or your loved ones suffer. Life can be extremely cruel at times; however, it can also be extremely short. We never know if tomorrow will be our last day on earth or not. So, why shorten it and hurt the ones that love us the most.

On the other end of the spectrum are the people that need us to lend an open ear. You may not be in crisis, however, you may have a friend that is. They need to know that people love them anyway, despite and especially because they are who they are. I hope that there will be someone who calls another because they need them to.

 I also hope this makes sense.

Here is a number if you or anyone you know are 

indeed, in 

crisis; please call a professional for advice.

 In Crisis?  1-800-273-TALK

               Get Information:              

In Crisis? 1-800-273-TALK


Here are some things that change the hormonal


of our 

chemicals in our brains:

The Weather: Sunlight can affect our brain almost directly through the thin parts of the skull and other parts of the brain and triggers the production of endorphin's which are the feel-good hormones that put us in such a good mood. A lack of sunlight can starve us of one of these major sources of happiness hormones and this is what causes many people to suffer from 'SAD' – Seasonal Affective Disorder – which is a more exaggerated dependency on the weather for our mood. Such people can purchase daylight lamps which cause the same effect in the brain and can be kept on throughout the more overcast days. 
Energy: Having more energy keeps us in a livelier and more upbeat mood as the brain requires energy to function. Make sure then that you get enough calories and get enough sleep. Vitamins such as B6 can also help improve our mood this way. 
Food: Foods can have a range of different effects on our body, providing us with carbs, but also with chemicals such as dopamine. Dopamine is the 'reward' center of our brain and this is what gets produced after sex or when we eat something when we're really hungry to encourage us to repeat this behavior. A particularly good source of dopamine is bananas. 
Immune System: Our immune system can also increase or lessen our mood, and if we are fighting lots of diseases this can make our whole body more suppressed and our mood will follow suit. 
Smiling: Smiling can improve our mood via something called 'facial feedback. Facial feedback essentially states that when we pull an expression, our body produces the hormones to make sure that we feel that emotion. Thus if we smile, we will start to feel better and if we grimace then our mood will drop. Next time you're in a bad mood try just smiling and you'd be surprised what it can do. 
Seeing Others Smile: Another effect occurs thanks to what is known as 'mirror neurons' – neurons that fire when they see someone else do something. Thus if you see someone else smile it causes our mirror neurons to fire and we feel as though we are smiling. The reverse is also true, and this is just one part of why moods are contagious and can spread through a group. 
Anticipation and Reward: Dopamine is released in a range of scenarios where we either anticipate a reward or get rewarded. This is why we'll feel ecstatic if we win the lottery – but also why just the anticipation of looking at the numbers can actually improve our mood. 
Music: Music can affect the pleasure centers of the brain and a fast beat can speed up your thinking and make you feel more energized and awake – all of which are correlated with better moods. Slow music, on the other hand, slows you down and makes you feel more sullen as a result. 
Love: Love causes us to produce phenobarbital which is another chemical that causes happiness and this is partly why we feel so ecstatic when we're in love. Kissing and cuddling can also cause us to release a range of feel-good hormones. 
Exercise: Exercise causes us to produce endorphins and again improves our mood as a result. This is what is known as the 'runners high'.

Thank you for reading to the end. Be amazingly positive!


Just keep getting back up!

It is difficult to keep getting up after you have been repeatedly crunched down by the losses of loved ones; the "getting up" part is the most important part; even though it is very hard to do. 
You have to be the one to do it; that is why it is so difficult. It is also very rewarding knowing that you accomplished yet another feat against the demons associated with mental illness. Or just those thoughts of worthlessness or if you have felt like you have let every down in your life. But, that's the demons tempting you.

The most rewarding things in life can be the most challenging to achieve. 

When I say "Just Keep Getting Back Up!": 
I mean you just never know who is watching, do you want them to see you dust off and get back on that problem? Or do you want them to see you curled up in the fetal position, giving up on everything?

I believe that our faith and hope of seeing our loved ones again has a great deal to do with our recovery process. Having my Faith is what has helped me to keep "getting back up". Knowing that I will see and be with my loved ones once again, has been a literal lifesaver.

It makes me feel better to know that I can help someone else who also struggles with mental illness, and help them like I was helped.

Never be ashamed of having your faith, as long as no one gets hurts. I am one of God's children!

I just can't imagine anyone feeling alone, lonely, or even just plain abandoned. I am extremely sorry if you are feeling that way. 
[I don't mean to sound like a hypocrite,  believe me, I have been there and I will probably be there (sad and depressed)  again.]

But, what I mean is as a whole, we all have a down day here and there and some of us are grief-stricken for months upon months adding up to years! But, instead of spiraling down and talking yourself into foolish behavior; heed my advice, and don't sweat the small stuff as it were the big stuff!

We are really the ones in charge of our happiness; others contribute to our emotions, however, we are really the ones in charge of our OWN Destinies. 

If you are feeling lonely, then call a friend or loved one to confide in. Only you know when you really NEED to talk to someone; so do so! Let them HELP you.
God Bless and enjoy each and every moment of each and every day, for the rest of your life.

I sometimes get caught up in what I "do" and forget what I should be "doing"!
So, to my patient friends and family, I say, Sorry I don't call, I don't always particularly care for phone calls.

Thank You and I hope this smile being sent out to you all; brings you a smile for today and every day for the rest of your life.

Depression is a disease of the mind. It sounds dirty and quite frankly a bit frightening. There are other stigmas (untrue myths) that are very prominent in many people's minds. I want to clear up the stigmas surrounding suicide. I am just asking you to educate yourself before you condone others on the subject. Whether you want to believe it or not there, are people who struggle every day (such as myself) with depression and other mental illnesses. 
You can't "catch it" is the term we would use as in having a cold, kind of "catch it". You can, however, be afraid they will bring you down; and of course most of us will agree that misery does certainly enjoy great company on occasion, However, you could always turn the table by infecting them with your amazing breaths of fresh and positive opinions!

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Allow Yourself Forgiveness!

You MUST,  If you expect others to forgive you.  Life has been a roller coaster ride for me. I have had some ups and downs; in oth...

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My personal journey in life includes being an advocate for suicide prevention and awareness surrounding the stigmas.