
It’s NOT your fault. You cannot control others; and that’s ok.

Whatever you do in life, live it free of guilt. It’s not your fault; what others do and don’t do usually doesn’t really involve you. Meaning that when others do things, they probably are so overwhelmed with stress that they (we) are mainly focused on our own emotions.
Once I stopped overthinking what others think of me, it was such a heavy weight lifted! It takes practice and patience, but anything you want to change- you can!

I wonder often; if there is anyone left... #HumanHumor

I wonder often; if there is anyone left... #HumanHumor

I often wonder if there is anyone left. Anyone left to carry on the wonderful memories and knowledge of the way things once were. 

Back then, life was simply a time to cherish. The roaring laughter, the punch lines that seemed to never end! One joke would continue to get funnier with each contributor. Each adding their own precisely timed puns to the already ROFLOAO funny joke!!! We could laugh at ourselves and each other for the cost of a red face. Your stomach muscles ached so well and tears of joy would roll. 

Occasionally, I wonder if that kind of happiness will ever exist again. Will I ever find people who can make me laugh like that? Who can share the same memories and knowledge? Who can appreciate the simple things in life?

  Occasionally I  wonder if that kind of happiness will ever exist again.

Are we slowly losing our laughter to the point of extinction? Are the days when you could breathe in and out like clockwork seizing to exist?  Will the next generation be as forgiving and understanding as this crazy and fun past generation?  I not only miss these amazing times of love, liberty, and laughter; but I miss my "people" dearly. 

I hope that the next generation can experience this type of happiness with their family (new and old). That they can find it in their heart to be compassionate and understand all others; not just family. If you have a passion for people, your "family" has no limits. 

Some families stay large and grow rapidly; while other families experience many losses, sooner as opposed to later. 
This generation of our family has experienced many of those over the past century. My heart aches, not only for my very up-close-and-personal loss of my eldest Son but also for the numerous other family members. 
You know it is in the future that we must care for and then bury our parents, but you never want to experience losing your children, no matter how old they are. 

You don't feel much like laughing after these events. That is where faith comes in and you must use it. So, my hope is that people will try not to be so mean to others because you just never know when your time is up; you don't want to have any regrets

So, my advice (take it or leave it) is to Laugh as hard as you Love; And Live like it is your Last Day! Stay true to yourself and others, and leave a little wiggle room for mistakes, but fix them fast. 

Peace and Love

The Essentials for Mental Health, Start with Faith and Patience!

The Essentials for Mental Health Start with Faith and Patience!

We (as parents) must instill religion and faith early on, as part of acquiring and retaining the healthy and happy minds of our children! 

We as parents take them for preventive shots, and we take our loved ones to the Emergency room for broken bones, but sometimes we neglect their mental health. We also sometimes neglect our own mental health. 

A broken mind needs medical care as well. 


And DO everything you can possibly do to NOT lose your child/young adult, friend, loved one, or even a foe; to themselves (the taking of their own life)!  [Try to]Get them into counseling before they are teenagers; telling you that they refuse to talk to a "paid set of ears"; as my Tavin put it. Or if you are feeling down; then please talk to someone before you break your loved one's heart to pieces.

Depression is an excruciating, debilitating, and completely real mental condition!

You have to notice the signs and be willing to take the actions needed to get help;
for yourself and/or the person in turmoil! 

Even if they tell you that they are "fine", or "I can handle it myself"; or if the younger children are telling you that they don't feel good and don't know why (no specific pain area). It can actually be a symptom of a mental health issue. 
Our younger children don't really understand their emotions enough sometimes to decipher and inform you exactly what is giving them this unfamiliar yet sad feeling. 
It should also be mentioned that it can also be one of us adults that are feeling confused about the emotions we are feeling. You must be willing to see their point of view. Anger will only worsen the situation.

I feel the wrath of my guilt every day. Wishing I had been able to help my eldest son more. Although he wouldn't seek counseling or medicines, he took some of my advice and showed me he tried. He was so very miserable and determined; obviously now, after the fact. 

 If I can save someone from this kind of pain by sharing mine; then I have achieved something good from "a mother's worst nightmare"! 

One of my Facebook pages, and feel free to join our community.

If you are the one feeling sad and can't seem to get a grip on it; then do whatever it takes to get the help you, and/or your loved ones just might find a need for. Sometimes just telling someone else what is so awful; we feel a little less weight from our issues.

1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Bay-Arenac Behavioral Health Authority 
NEW *988

For Non-Emergent Services 
Please Call 1-989-846-4573 

If you need an immediate 

voice of reason you can 


988 or 911

God Bless you all, From a Grieving Mother; With tender Peace and Compassion!

1-800-273-TALK (8255) Or 988

Stop Suicide One Stigma At A Time is just one of my Facebook pages.



Hello Beautiful Humans!

It has been a bit of a minute since my last post. I am not quite sure what has compelled me to write to my fellow humans tonight, but here I am at 2ish am! 

It hasn't escaped me that I carry a burden or many. Many of my days are just fine and somewhat productive. However, other days are complete torture to the brain and all of the emotions that flood in on those "not-so-good", days. I realize we all have some sort of dilemma in our daily lives, so I do not consider myself exempt from that. 
I would like others to know that sometimes we are the only person we can count on. The only one that knows what we need. It isn't necessarily because there is always a lack of concern from our loved ones. 
I feel that we have to help ourselves more than it sometimes feels comfortable. 
We shouldn't get mad or resent anyone or feel hurt by their lack of understanding. We all go about our daily lives in hopes of being happy and having a sense of pride about how we spend the same 24 hours everyone has. Even when we struggle to find our purpose, we must consider we can be our own best friends or our own worst enemy. 

We create it all! 

Not our parents, siblings, family, or friends. We are all human, and we all have faults and failures. But the most mature thing we can do is accept our own responsibilities, don't blame others for our shortcomings.
I share my stigmas, fears, and dilemmas with others to encourage others to find a better place to live in their minds as well. The place in my brain that I was occupying often, was literally killing me softly!
It reminds me that there are others out there that have these struggles within their own minds. I am hoping to reach that one person (hopefully many more), that may need to hear that they are not a failure and that they are essential to other humans! Even if you get to a place that feels lonely and no one cares... just know many people smile because of YOU!  
Sometimes we need to hear this. It doesn't always resonate with us the first or even the second time. It helps to learn by repetition. Practice makes perfect, or at least practice makes us better. Practice peace. practice self-praise. And my all-time favorite:

Practice The Pause. 

Our Loss
Click the Sir T photo above to see my page dedicated to him personally.


Hello Humans

Hello Humans! 

I haven't been feeling myself lately. The reason I share this today is that you only ever really hear from me when I am feeling positive, motivated, and/or in a good mood. When I am feeling down on myself, or just having a "bad day", I generally stay away from people. You are people, my people, you are the people that I reach out to or hide from. Depending on how I am feeling that day or days that run concurrently to other bad days, determines if I write or just keep in touch with others so that they may have someone "out in the world" that cares. This is actually therapy for me, writing about my story and reading about others' stories. 

I have been an author since I was 9, and writing poetry was my escape. By putting the words on paper, it somehow makes me feel like I have released some stress. It had kept my mind busy enough to get through the situation I was dealing with at such a young age. So, also at a young age, I realized I wanted to become an author. However, I didn't publish anything publicly until 2003. Which was a poem that is published in a coffee table book entitled, "Musings Of The Soul". I am very proud of that, I did give up any monetary allowances, just to get my work out there and to see if others wanted more.

I sometimes doubt myself and my ability to conquer my dream of becoming a published author. I have been given enough praise from my followers to keep going. Even with the ups and downs of working on my mental health, I still somehow keep chugging along. AKA-A work in progress.

I turned off comments on most of my blog posts because I can't handle the negativity that always seems to make its way to the most positive of things. So, if you are wondering, that is why. The downfall to that is the guidance of knowing what people want to read from me and the mediocre stuff that you all would rather I didn't write.

I keep up better with my Facebook page: Stop Suicide One Stigma At A Time

Like & Follow Only if you really do find some good in it. Thank you in advance. 

Peace & Positive Vibes

My Advocacy page is: FaceBook SSOSAAT

Thank you for staying. Today might not be so fun... But let's stick around to see what tomorrow brings. 


Sometimes They Are Right In Front Of Us!

Good Findings To You All.

Sometimes we search for things; in life. We search for some sort of fulfillment. We sometimes feel like we are reaching and searching for something that we are missing. Or we think we are missing something tangible. For many months, off and on, I remember searching. I wished I had this and thought I needed something else. 

Sometimes They Are Right In Front Of Us! 

But, truly it was there, right there in front of me the whole time. I just didn't know how to use it. We are just wasting energy worrying about the "what if's" and the "but if only"... Forget all that!  

You cannot change the past! 

You can only move forward. There are no such things as time machines, so, we have to forgive ourselves. Yes, I said it, forgive ourselves and move past the "what if's and the "should haves" "could haves". You need to erase them from your vocabulary. They will weigh you down and beat you down until you feel like you can no longer get up.

My own self conscious was holding me back. I cannot blame others for where I am or even where I am not, in my life. I could blame it on many people and nothing will change. Or I can admit that I am where I am today, because of the decisions and choices that I have made. The best things in life are free; you just have to be willing to see them.


I disagreed with this statement when I first read it in a college success class. It was the very first chapter. And it was the best class I have ever taken. I have had to practice what I preach and made a few upsets along the way. I wasn't easily convinced that my problems weren't to blame on say my parents, my ex-boyfriends, my friends (at the time); I didn't really get what that meant until I finally believed it; that WE create it ALL. All of our actions create a reaction, that reaction creates the next course of events, and so on.

It wasn't my parent's fault that I didn't go to college right after high school, that was totally my choice. In fact, they both encouraged me to do the exact opposite of what I did do.

My point is that we must accept the blame for what goes both wrong and right in our lives because our good choices affect us as much, if not more than our bad choices in life. Just something to gnaw on when you feel like blaming or being mad at someone for something going wrong in your life. If we just accept it, then make the necessary adjustments to fix things. But, we need a balance as to not bring on guilt for making said poor choices. There isn't anything you can do to change history; however, you can learn from it and choose to make better decisions in the future. 

Be careful not to say things that you don't want to be set in stone. Words can tear through a persons soul.

Thank You for reading until the end.


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Allow Yourself Forgiveness!

You MUST,  If you expect others to forgive you.  Life has been a roller coaster ride for me. I have had some ups and downs; in oth...

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My personal journey in life includes being an advocate for suicide prevention and awareness surrounding the stigmas.